
Maasai Mara, 2019

Standard: 48 x 35” (Edition of 10) | Large: 70 x 50” (Edition of 10)

Behind The Lens

Introducing the new series: “Behind The Lens”, telling the stories behind each image. Brothers was one of William’s first lion prints and remains one of his most popular shots to this day.

  • 10% of the proceeds from William’s print sales are donated to his partnered conservation charity, David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation. An organisation focussed on the conservation of wildlife in Africa and Asia through an unyielding, holistic approach.

    With William’s style deeply focussed on wildlife in its environment, working with organisations of this calibre and determination is a natural fit and prints are proudly embossed with the foundations logo next to William’s signature.

    To date William’s work has been used to raise over £80,000 for a variety of charitable organisations.

  • Despite their perhaps ferocious reputation, displays of affection between lions are common place. By far the most social of all the big cats, lions live in prides of related females, any cubs they may have, and are run by a coalition of males. These males, while usually related to each other, are not related to the females.

    I use the term ‘run’ loosely. In fact, it is the females that lead the way in terms of hunting and providing for the pride, but of course when push comes to shove and a territorial dispute breaks out, it is often the males fighting for the protection of the pride.

    These two males, known as ‘Chongo’ (Swahili for ‘one eye’) and Koshoke (‘the one with the big belly’), make up part of a coalition of five males in the Masai Mara, Kenya. Between them they ran a pride known as The Marsh Pride, for a number of years, with their territory surrounding the camp I work at; Governors’.

    We often found the boys with each other but away from the pride, so on this particular morning it was a real treat to find these two with the rest of the pride. They were clearly enjoying the company of each other but also the young cubs they were in someway related to, perhaps uncles or even father to.

    There are not many better ways to spend a morning in the Mara than in the company of such resplendent animals.

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