Till Death Do Us Part

Ol Pejeta, 2021

Standard: 48 x 31” (Edition of 5) | Large: 74 x 47” (Edition of 3)

  • 10% of the proceeds from William’s print sales are donated to his partnered conservation charity, David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation. An organisation focussed on the conservation of wildlife in Africa and Asia through an unyielding, holistic approach.

    With William’s style deeply focussed on wildlife in its environment, working with organisations of this calibre and determination is a natural fit and prints are proudly embossed with the foundations logo next to William’s signature.

    To date William’s work has been used to raise over £80,000 for a variety of charitable organisations.

  • Eighteen months ago we released Rumble in the Jungle. It’s been my best selling print ever since and I’ve always wondered well, what next?

    Witnessing real fights between animals is not overly rare, but to have clashes that translate in to strong images is. This clash between two white rhinos on Ol Pejeta Conservancy was the harshest between rhino I have seen.

    Neither was willing to back down and for 45 minutes they went at each other so violently one was almost flipped over (a remarkable feet given they both weigh north of two tonnes.)

    Such was the ferocity of their fight we were certain the only way it was going to end would be if, or perhaps when, one died.

    As blood started to pour from wounds on the faces of both rhino and we were certain one was about to lose and pay for it with its life, a larger male joined the scene, immediately intimidating these two in to submission and abruptly ending the fight, much like a boxing referee stepping in at the 11th hour and much, I must admit, to everyone’s relief.

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