
Maasai Mara, 2012

Standard: 40 x 30” (Edition of 5)

Behind The Lens

Introducing the new series: “Behind The Lens”, telling the stories behind each image. For this one, Prime, William tells the story of his first wildlife photograph and how his style has changed since that moment a decade ago.

  • 10% of the proceeds from William’s print sales are donated to his partnered conservation charity, David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation. An organisation focussed on the conservation of wildlife in Africa and Asia through an unyielding, holistic approach.

    With William’s style deeply focussed on wildlife in its environment, working with organisations of this calibre and determination is a natural fit and prints are proudly embossed with the foundations logo next to William’s signature.

    To date William’s work has been used to raise over £80,000 for a variety of charitable organisations.

  • This is, more or less, my first wildlife photograph. Taken back in 2012 when I was a new intern for the safari outfit, Governors’ Camp Collection, while I was still learning how a camera worked and was not even sure whether photography was a career path I was going to follow.

    For a learning environment I could not have asked for better. Every day I got to explore the Maasai Mara and follow the world renowned Marsh Pride, famous for appearing in numerous David Attenborough narrated nature documentaries. Having watched them on TV for years, these lions were now my neighbours.

    On Christmas Eve, as I was spending Christmas away from home for the first time aged 18, four of the pride males had all congregated near camp. For a fledgling photographer it was a perfect opportunity, and I ventured out, cameras in hand to see them.

    Looking back now, the images I created that Christmas Eve are vastly different to what I aim for now. Then my focus was on animal portraits, utilising longer lenses to those I reach for now.

    As a result, it makes this images inclusion in my new show all the more special.

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